Having released sweat soaked party albums like ”The Men” (2002), ”Return” (2006), ”Four Good Men And True” (2010), ”This Way” (2013) and the live EP "At The Cavern" (2016), The Men continue their musical journey with their first “headphone album”, filled to the brim with new details to discover and sounds to devour. ”Sunburst” is both an unexpected yet logical step in a new direction for a group that continues to create their own style out of the smartest pop culture pieces from the five last decades.
Year Of Release: 2017
Cover by: Henki van den Born & Petter Lönegård/Lönegård & Co & The Men
Recorded and mixed by: Amir Aly
Record Label: TMI
01 - The Rest Is Yet To Come
02 - Just A Few Million Miles To Go
03 - Come Alive
04 - Sunburst
05 - Brother
06 - Unmaking Up Your Mind
07 - Goodbye Mr Parkinson
08 - Rang Dale Ritter
09 - K Dreams
10 - Love Hurts So Good
All songs by The Men. Recorded by Amir Aly at Yla Studios, Malmö & Åkarp. Sweden 2016-2017
"Sunburst" är noggrant studioinspelad, fantasifullt arrangerat, in i detalj fylld med uppfinningsrikedom och de udda instrumenten slåss om uppmärksamhet." -Håkans Pop-blogg (Sweden)
"A red hot contender for Record of the Year!"
-Popgeni Björn-blogg (Sweden)
-Håkan Engström, Sydsvenskan.(Sweden)
"A thrilling experience, and Sven Köhler's fantastic voice is even more to the fore than ever!"
-Håkans Pop-blogg (Sweden)